Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hear the whisper of your heart...

An early start to a morning that was beautiful with the drizzling rain was made even more beautiful when an inspiration to write struck after so long. 

Without realizing I had picked up my phone to surf through my social media accounts and was reading a tweet from Dr. Susan Shumsky… an award-winning author, foremost spirituality expert, professional speaker, and an educator in the consciousness field.

Her tweet was intriguing indeed… Hear the whisper of your heart… and my mind was already active... weaving words together to compliment the phrase. I thought of capturing whatever was coming before I lose the thought... what else would you expect from a writer who is been dying to write and just not able to :) :)

Few words and I got stuck again… as if something did not connect completely… I quickly went back to her twitter account to read the tweet again, and found two tweets that preceded the phrase… the questions posed were quite intriguing too… And suddenly it all made sense.

“Do you know how to contact the still quiet voice of divine guidance inside yourself? … Do you know how to listen to the still quiet voice of divine intuition inside yourself? … Hear the whisper of your heart!!”

I don't know how long the silence lasted... all I know that I felt as if Lord was right there, within me, guiding me, pushing me forward, whispering through my heart all that would make me move forward… and allow me to encourage others to move forward too… So here is what I heard Him say…

Today, just hear the whisper of your heart...
“You are precious and you are a sweetheart!”

Today, just hear the whisper of your heart...
“Living life the way you do, is definitely an art!”

Today, just hear the whisper of your heart...
“You are one of them, but still so wonderfully apart!”

Today, just hear the whisper of your heart...
“You are, in your life's design, the "most significant" part!”

Today, just hear the whisper of your heart...
“You, only you, have the choice to embrace or to discard!”

Today, just hear the whisper of your heart...
“You have a rich experience of life's teachings to impart!”

Today, just hear the whisper of your heart...
“You deserve the power & magic of a fresh new start!”


Unknown said...

Been wanting to do this for a long time. And have been just waiting to pick the invitation from friends who own a guest house in the quiet hills of Nahan ( HP) and Champawat ( UK), to go there and simply cut out the noise of daily living and listen to the whispers of the heart. Just reading it slowed me down on my tracks. I am just feeling the quiet and serenity and the noise around me seems to dim bit by bit. Thanks for sharing such a good thing here. This is the Spa for the soul. I think we all need someone to tell us this once in a while. Thanks.

Khaamoshiyan ki zubaan... said...

Thank you so much masi for being the perfect inspiration every time I need a push..! :)Going through my mail after so long, and coming across a link to your blog was the best thing that could have happened..! As for the piece of writing, inspiring as ever..! :) Looking forward to more pearls of wisdom..! Lots of love..! :* God bless..! :)

Rubina said...

Hey masi...!! Read the post the day you sent it to me... But couldn't post a comment through my phone...
I always wonder, how do you share something that is just so perfect and apt... There is a lot that is going on within me... And yes, listening to that inner voice, can be instrumental in guiding me through... I think I can hear the whispers only when I am at peace and have cut myself off from unwanted noise... Your words strike a chord as usual... Felt peaceful to say the least...
I know I don't really need to tell you how well you know me... Thank you for helping me find the answers...
I LOVE YOU... Keep sharing...