Sunday, April 15, 2012

Is “Waiting for God’s First Best” actually tougher than “Settling for Our Second Best”?

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).

Every time I read this verse I feel renewed… in my faith & in my spirits. More so, because time and again in the past I have experienced that God’s plans were always best for me. Then why is it difficult to wait in some areas? Why do I find myself giving in or almost ready to settle for less? And is it only me or do you also find yourself settling for second best in your life - careers, goals, love, marriage, and sometimes yourself??

Why do we settle for second best when deep down we know it won’t stand much in comparison to what God has planned? Why is it so tough? Or is it really tough at all?

One reason I could think of is my IMPATIENCE... I don’t want to be put in a waiting room for too long. Waiting for His guidance and direction is fine but what to do if the wait seems endless. Who decides ultimately how long is long?

Second could be my UNWILLINGNESS TO WORK HARD... I am tired of making efforts. Frankly, my motivation sags further when I realize that still some extra effort is required. Ohh… how I wish everything (including God’s best for me) was handed down on a silver platter :) …don’t you?

Third could be my DISBELIEF IN DESERVING THE BEST... The thought that ‘I don’t deserve to receive the best’ is a slow poison. And strangely though, we keep giving this poison to ourselves… At least I do… knowingly or unknowingly, totally oblivious of the impact it is having on me and my surrounding.

Fourth could be my LACK OF COMPLETE TRUST IN GOD... I find myself entertaining thoughts like - does God even have something good in store for me OR what if I don’t like what He plans for me or asks me to do something I don’t want to do… WOW… Is there a worst way than this to insult Him, who I call my Lord, my Savior?

As I conclude this post I am feeling really absurd… If truly I have called Him Abba, Father then how can waiting for what He has to give be tough? It should rather be exciting and fun to wait.

For sure, God's first best will always be something more wonderful than anything I could cook up on my own :) so why not make it worth my total commitment & every ounce of my trust.


Hi there.. said...

..but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:31

Firstly, you're not the only one..I'd be surprised if someone did not struggle with God's best vs. settling for our second best.

Secondly, just a thought, maybe its not about working harder rather just being your best while trusting God for His Best!

Thirdly, you deserve the best and only the best and God will give you His best for you!

Rubina said...

That was a wonderful piece masi... After reading dis, I realized dat I experience dis every single day as well... Sometimes, the wait seems endless, sometimes I give up hinking that may b God doesn't have something great in store for me... I will have make sumthing up myself... U have pointed out d reasons perfectly! :)
At the same time, I have felt many-a-times that what God had planned for me and bestowed me with was far superior to what I was trying to do on my own...
But again, its not always easy to have that approach of waiting patiently when u r badly stuck... What do I do in such a situation????? I m sure u and only u can help me with dis...

Thank u for sharing such a wonderful thought masi... Keep writing and keep inspiring!
Lots of love...:)

Jolly Mazumdar said...


Loved the way you gave voice to your thoughts.I do have such unanswered questions deep inside my heart.But,your article has once again helped me to keep firm belief on Almighty and his decisions.

Thanks a lot...

Jolly Mazumdar said...
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