Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you my “earthly” friend

No matter how independent you believe you are, no matter how much you try and say “I only rely on my lord, my heavenly friend”, you do feel the need to have an earthly friend some times – even if just for few moments… especially when you are in a cold war with the heavenly one :) …
Earthly friend… wondering who I mean… probably what you are thinking… one who listens while you speak (coherent or incoherent) … one who nods at your confusions without any judgment… one whose generous hug and “I love you” closes all the miles that may separate you two… one whose timely “remember that even when you are lonely you are not alone” pushes you again towards your heavenly friend … urging to seek Him… to let go of the anger, upset, or concerns that you may be carrying for any thing, any one (including Him)…

I was in need today and I was blessed… Thank you Lord for giving me this earthly friend…
And Thank you to my “earthly” friend (I am sure you will know when you read it that this post is dedicated to :))… So for you a small creation … hope you will like it :)

I don't remember if I ever said YOU ARE SPECIAL for me...
I don't remember if I ever said THANK YOU for being there through thick and thin...
I don't remember if I ever said I’M SORRY for any wrongs I may have done to you...
I don't remember if I said I want you to BE WITH ME forever...
I do know now that I want to say it all today...
Because you, my earthly friend, are a gift from my heavenly friend...

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