Monday, November 17, 2008

Thank You for the treasures!

I knew deep inside that You will guide, that I can count on You no matter what, that I need not be anxious about any thing…. But the past few days, I don’t know what I have been doing… or maybe I know - acting plane stupid… I wasn’t doubting your eternal promise Lord… its just that the changes in my life, all that I need to handle and want to do for my loved ones, my passions, what I have with respect to what I desire - every thing was in conflict… the fear of not being able to choose what’s right from the different choices coming my way in life was constantly plaguing… I know I am responsible for this state of confusion too… I allowed that small little voice inside my head to grow louder than necessary that I just couldn’t hear your loving sound or your reassurance…

I am sorry for being so restless and not rejoicing in what I have – You, my savior and my guide…

Thank you for your words today… I do realize the grandness of it… and what all it makes available for me…

…in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3)

I know You will bless me with Your wisdom when it is time for any choice in my life… I know You will help me know the right path that You want to set me on and I need to follow…

Thank You for the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that are hidden in you but very much revealed right in front of me if I my eyes are set on you…

1 comment:

Capre Diem said...

Now here is what I call a truly inspirational blog. Keep writing Shweta, and your words are anyways reaching His well as all of ours!