Friday, November 28, 2008

Oh Lord… help… my faith is going down…

More than 40 hours…

It seems I have travelled so many spaces… from being a mere spectator to being helpless…
As the terror continues to unfold in front of my eyes… the emotion clogging my throat became more inexpressible… anger… disappointment… fear… remorse… what will happen to this world…

Mind is full of questions and “WHYs”… eyes are tearful again and again… numbness surrounds me today…

Oh God… please help… please save… my faith is going down…

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thank You for the treasures!

I knew deep inside that You will guide, that I can count on You no matter what, that I need not be anxious about any thing…. But the past few days, I don’t know what I have been doing… or maybe I know - acting plane stupid… I wasn’t doubting your eternal promise Lord… its just that the changes in my life, all that I need to handle and want to do for my loved ones, my passions, what I have with respect to what I desire - every thing was in conflict… the fear of not being able to choose what’s right from the different choices coming my way in life was constantly plaguing… I know I am responsible for this state of confusion too… I allowed that small little voice inside my head to grow louder than necessary that I just couldn’t hear your loving sound or your reassurance…

I am sorry for being so restless and not rejoicing in what I have – You, my savior and my guide…

Thank you for your words today… I do realize the grandness of it… and what all it makes available for me…

…in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. (Colossians 2:3)

I know You will bless me with Your wisdom when it is time for any choice in my life… I know You will help me know the right path that You want to set me on and I need to follow…

Thank You for the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that are hidden in you but very much revealed right in front of me if I my eyes are set on you…

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thank you my “earthly” friend

No matter how independent you believe you are, no matter how much you try and say “I only rely on my lord, my heavenly friend”, you do feel the need to have an earthly friend some times – even if just for few moments… especially when you are in a cold war with the heavenly one :) …
Earthly friend… wondering who I mean… probably what you are thinking… one who listens while you speak (coherent or incoherent) … one who nods at your confusions without any judgment… one whose generous hug and “I love you” closes all the miles that may separate you two… one whose timely “remember that even when you are lonely you are not alone” pushes you again towards your heavenly friend … urging to seek Him… to let go of the anger, upset, or concerns that you may be carrying for any thing, any one (including Him)…

I was in need today and I was blessed… Thank you Lord for giving me this earthly friend…
And Thank you to my “earthly” friend (I am sure you will know when you read it that this post is dedicated to :))… So for you a small creation … hope you will like it :)

I don't remember if I ever said YOU ARE SPECIAL for me...
I don't remember if I ever said THANK YOU for being there through thick and thin...
I don't remember if I ever said I’M SORRY for any wrongs I may have done to you...
I don't remember if I said I want you to BE WITH ME forever...
I do know now that I want to say it all today...
Because you, my earthly friend, are a gift from my heavenly friend...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

HIS presence made a difference

I would start this blog with a conversation (one of many)... that I had with HIM some times back... though it was one of those lonely times, yet HIS presence made a difference...

The path you want to set me on, I will be more than happy to walk
Your voice I want to hear my lord and your ear so that I can talk
This silence sometimes kills me with in, your love can fill it for sure
Just be with me and keep me going, and I won’t be asking for more