Monday, June 21, 2010

Jesus Loves You!

One day a crab was running on the sea shore. The waves came and cleared the footprints of the crab. Crab asked the waves, “Being my friend why are you clearing my beautiful footprints?” The waves replied, “A fox was following your footprints to catch you. That is why I cleared it off”. Friendship means caring beyond imagination.

A friend of mine shared this story on sms sometime back. I guess what he wanted to convey was that he cares and I got his message, loud & clear. Needless to say, I was touched, more so because it spoke so much of the love & regard he has for me. In fact I was thankful to Lord for giving me such a friend (and many more) who just do not care whether I give him something, send him a message or not and even sometimes forget to stay in touch for days. He keeps sending sweet messages of friendship, some stupid jokes to make sure that I :) or messages to say that he is there for me. I really feel blessed having friends like that on this earth.

But I am getting to feel even more blessed with the increasing knowledge that there is someone who wants to be my eternal friend – besides being My Master, My Lord and My Savior!

Interestingly the thought that Jesus is my friend hasn’t appeared for the first time. Many times in the past also I have felt like that, even talked to Him as if He is my buddy… in an endless conversation… sharing everything and anything (even the girly stuff :).

But it was fascinating to see it appear recently in one of the chapters in a book (“The purpose-driven life: what on earth am I here for?” By Rick Warren) that I am reading along with a friend. The first sentence of the chapter “God wants to be your best friend” felt as if my own inner-voice giving a sharp nudge, reminding me “See I keep telling you the same thing… but you keep forgetting.”

The smile my friend sent my way after reading the sentence confirmed I wasn’t the only one getting the internal nudge :) and by the end of our reading session I am sure we both grew in our want to receive Him as a best friend, at that time and all times to come. And ever since that day, I find myself conversing more & giving more of myself in this friendship with my best friend. It is such a comforting thought to know that there is someone who always loves & cares.

So to all my friends I have just one thing to say… JESUS LOVES YOU!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Embracing “myself” the way my Savior does

Few days back I found an interesting quote that inspired a thought. The quote first:

A small light can do a great deal when it is in a very dark place… Like one little candle in the middle of a large hall can give a good deal of light.

So true... isn’t it?

There have been many instances in my life when I’ve searched and searched for that light, that ray of hope that can lighten the darkest corners of my life, especially the ones in my heart & mind causing fear & chaos.

And thanks to my Lord for all the times that I did find something that lit the path ahead of me... enough for that time to take the next step at least. And in faith I moved and life happened.
But since a long time there has been an evident struggle in my heart & mind... and a continuous experience of not having a light to guide my step further in any of the area... Was I troubled? Yes to the core and thoroughly confused too.

But while reading this quote, a thought struck my mind... may be Lord does not want me to focus on finding the light outside... Maybe He wants to lead me to a light within me – a light that is unique and truly mine...
I asked myself - can I be like that candle? Can I light the darkness of the world around me?

The question has been provoking a lot of thoughts & actions... including being on a journey of self-discovery...

I have begun… that is all that I know... making efforts to accept whatever gets revealed every day... Embracing “myself” the way my Savior does... with love, compassion, & forgiveness...