Sunday, September 21, 2014

ANGER & GUILT -- The dual edged sword!

From the last few days (7 days to be precise, and I know someone will call me a ‘typical woman’ to remember the exact number of days) I have been feeling drained and exhausted -- physically, mentally, and emotionally. The feeling that something ominous is about to happen or maybe has already happened without my knowing, kept plaguing my mind. No amount of prayers, or advice from well-wishing friends really made a difference.

After crying most of the evening yesterday, pouring all the bottled up emotions to Jesus, I think I got why it was so unbearable. The sinking experience as if everything is finished, as if there is a void that will never be filled is similar to what I have felt every time I lost someone in my life – all those moments flashed where someone has gone away from my life – my father 30 years back, my guardian 16 years back, and my brother in March this year.

Incidentally when each of them died, for some or the other reason there was no direct communication with me. The communication got cut sometime before they died – first time I was pushed away from the situation because it is not appropriate for a 5 year old to witness death, second time I was termed invalid because of a broken leg, and third time I wasn't disturbed because I had other troubles to deal with.

Trust me when I say it is very very very uncomfortable when someone you love does not communicate before s/he leaves. And I acknowledge that is a space I can't deal with.

It is not that I am unaware of the inevitability of people not being there, in fact dealing with that is something I (think & hope) can still manage. What I am not comfortable with is the fact that I don’t even get to know they have gone or the fact that I do not even get an opportunity to say a final good bye before they disappear. That is something that kills me, drains me completely. Any situation that looks even vaguely similar to that, I get a claustrophobic experience. In my head these “no communication” experiences equals people I love deeply going away without saying goodbye.

In all these situations I saw two predominant emotions -- ANGER & GUILT. 

Of course it was so draining living with a dual edged sword. Anger towards them for leaving without any final communication and anger towards me and also the guilt for failing to hear in case they wanted to or were communicating something.

I also realized that when things like this are happening at a speed, I feel drained and helpless not getting time to handle even one thing properly. And that is the time I fail to trust life’s flow or my creator. Rather my mind becomes over active, constantly thinking what I can do to handle or resolve a situation. I fail to sit still in waiting. Being in a ‘limbo' is something I detest. And I fail to give life and my creator an opportunity to facilitate me out of any situation or any pain.


I hope and pray for your strength Jesus. Help me to guard my faith and stay away from thoughts of fear.