Thursday, June 7, 2012

…it was a choice He made for me!

I know I should stop getting surprised every time Lord speaks to me through things, people, and conversations, but I can’t help it :) :) … Today, I am again left wondering how He knows what I need to hear or realize to move on and to take the next step.

What brought this on this time? Well a very casual conversation with my friend at work about the leave he would be taking tomorrow because it is his Granny’s birthday. So here is the piece of conversation to set the context:

Friend: Granny’s b’day… so taking leave... she is turning 87 yrs old… has invited us for lunch...
Me: Wow… please convey my wishes to her
Friend: Yeah sure will do. Touch wood, she has had all possible operations – cataract, uterus, intestine, liver etc.
Me: God's grace stays on her
Friend: She says she is numb to knife and needles
Me: Well in life you actually need to be numb to certain pains; only then you can carry on towards your purpose!

WOW… I can come up with real pearls of wisdom sometimes… cool… I left the conversation mentally patting my back for what came out of my mouth… but what I heard in the silence that followed the conversation shook me up completely…

“… you are right my child… I could also fulfill my Heavenly Father’s purpose of sending me to this earth only by being immune to all the pain and humiliation I went through…”

I could feel goose bumps on my arms… and trust me it wasn’t just the AC in the office… that hasn’t been working well since last 2 weeks anyways… this was one of the unusual experiences I have come to conclude as “His presence time” – when He is just right next to me.

… such a humble and gentle way my Lord has to encourage me to go on even when the times are tough… reminding me of the joy that will come when the purpose of my life gets fulfilled and that it will always be greater than the pain I may experience on the way.

What I go through is nothing compared to (though there is no comparison) what and how much our Savior suffered for us… much more than we could ever imagine… so much pain, suffering, torture, and humiliation - all so we could have eternal life, and have it to the fullest.

And what do I we do… even though we know all that suffering took place, we very easily and conveniently forget it when we get caught up in our everyday life.

What Jesus endured shows us how much He loved us… a lot more than what we do. He was able to do something I've never seen another human being do – He laid down His life…

"The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life - only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father." (NIV) John 10:17, 18

When I think of His suffering, I cry out hard but I rejoice at the end, secure in the knowledge that it was a choice He made for me. I'm deeply blessed... He conquered death to give me life.

Thank you my sweet, precious Jesus… I love you more than words can describe but I feel a mere “Thank you” is not enough… You have bought me with your blood; now help me never to let your suffering go in vain.