Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Light of the Body…

The fog hitting the cab’s windscreen & side windows in the morning was so HEAVY & THICK… probably reflecting the state of my mind?

The words were floating before my eyes and nothing that I read registered… my vision was impaired because of the wetness in my eyes. I continued making an effort to read from the Word of God, not just because I didn’t want to dishonor what I held in my hands but also because somewhere I had faith that His message will get through my muddled head and wavering thoughts.
And it did with this verse that caught my eye… :)

The eyes are like a lamp for the body. If your eyes are sound, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eyes are no good, your body will be in darkness. So if the light in you is darkness, how terribly dark it will be!

Suddenly something dawned and I asked myself - what am I doing with the most precious part of my body literally? Did He give me these eyes to waste with tears? NO. And the minute I said that in my head, my tears stopped instantly. Though the mental debate continued as I tried to understand and interpret what I read.

As soon as I could, I asked my best friend Google, and here came a whole lot of interesting and detailed interpretations of the verse. With various points of view in front of me - from the metaphorical to literal and moral to spiritual, a question cropped its head in my head :)

Which sight would be WORTHY enough for me to set my eyes on FOREVER?
Not the sight that shows evidences of my unworthiness at every step of the way. Not the sight that shows me how unloved I am by this world. Not even the sight that shows what all is lacking in my life. And definitely not the sight that focuses on why a future full of hope is not possible for me.

DARKNESS… I hereby shun you away from my sight forever….

My eyes have found a vision in the ONE who is worth a lot - my reverence, my obedience, my faith, my surrender, and above all my love… because He loved me even before I was born or loved Him.