Monday, June 1, 2009

Let the darkness now depart…

What other evidence do I ask that He walks right beside me when in each and every moment of my life I can feel His presence (yes some times in my blind rage I may choose to ignore or pretend that I can’t feel it at all).

Countless times, He has made sure to reach out to me (yes! not just me seeking Him) in some or the other form, especially in times when I need Him the most, time when I am lost, confused, disheartened, no where to go, nothing to look forward to. He would place things, people, signs in front of me and around me that speaks in volumes about how He is watching over me, protecting me, guiding me every time. How much He loves me and knows what I need.

As I sat in the morning today to once again (even after the horrible fight I initiated with Him before sleeping at) to reconcile with Him, this is what I get…

Fair weather faith is the kind that is strong when things are going well, but when bad times hit, it falls apart. It’s not too difficult to have great faith when things are going well… be filled with praise and joy for all God’s goodness to us (“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy”- Psalm 126:3). But what about those times when nothing good is happening? (Do I, like the Prophet of God Habakkuk say, “Even though things are just awful, yet I will rejoice in the Lord. I will be joyful in God my savior.”)

A mature person who is strengthened in Christ praises even when there’s no silver lining, no light at the end of the tunnel. It is that orientation of our will that makes the difference. We make a choice to praise God and rejoice in him regardless.

Where are you today? Good times in your life… or tough days, heartaches, failures, and disappointments. Praise him any way. When God sees that kind of faith and that setting of your will, he is pleased for he knows that your faith is not the fair –weather type.

What do I say now… I am speechless again…

I know this message was for me… to remind me of the promise I made that irrespective of what I face I won’t doubt Your Love for me…

Today also, You knew that I was struggling to keep my faith strong… not that I wanted to let go of this anchor, but the problems & pain in and around me were pushing me down… the darkness of the tunnel suffocating me and the thought that there is no light to show me what to do, where to go and who to be, troubling me more…

I didn’t realize that the lack of light I am feeling is a function of me… because when the pain increased I shut my eyes and probably forgot to open them… And having kept them shut for long, my eyes couldn’t see the light because they were not looking at You…

I open my eyes to look at You
Your guiding light is all I need
To fill my vision & fill my heart
Let the darkness now depart